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Bay Area Asian Deaf Association Movie Night


We would like to invite you to BAADA’s Movie night! We are having a Movie Night! The movie we will show is an award winning “Parasite” directed by Bong Joon-Ho. A short excerpt, it is a South Korean black comedy thriller, follows the members of a poor family who scheme to become employed by a wealthy family by infiltrating their household and posing as unrelated, highly qualified individuals.

Due to the movie being rated “R” only persxns of the age 18 and older are allowed to come to the screening. When: Friday March 20, 2020 Time: 6pm-10pm Where: DCC Deaf Community Center (address on flyer)

Hope to see you there!

Flyer is attached below for your convenience.

[Flyer Description:

On a salmon/red background with various elements of movie night theme. At the top left corner the BAADA logo is shown. In navy blue and yellow it reads from top to bottom: Bay Area Asian Deaf association Movie Night: “Parasite” Award winning movie by Bong Joon-Ho. Admission: Members: Free Non-members: $5 Combo (Drinks & Snack): $10

Refreshments will be sold! This movie is rated “R” only 18+ allowed! Friday March 20, 2020 | 6pm-10pm Where: Deaf Community Center 1550 San Leandro Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577. Shows a poster of the movie, a man standing on his right a person is laying only showing legs and feet. On the mans left behind a young man stands at the entrance of a house while a child is staring from the window inside. A young couple sunbathes outside. All characters have bars covering their eyes. ]

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